I've been collecting unusual objects for quite a while, and several years ago I started posting them on this site as puzzles for
visitors to figure out what they are. Most of the items are mine but a few belong to others, if you aren't interested in tools there are plenty of other type objects that have also been posted.
For first time visitors I recommend this archive for a wide variety of some of my best pieces.
For first time visitors I recommend this archive for a wide variety of some of my best pieces.
322. carbide scraper...for scraping lathe ways
Anonymous, at 4/13/2005 8:31 PM
321. This is a visual puzzle more than it is a physical one. The two pieces are attached by the dovetails that are shown. The obvious puzzle is how was it constructed.
It is visually interesting, but once you hold it, the construction and manufacturing method are immediately apparent.
I am sure that R will post a photo of the separated pieces in a week or so.
- Edward
Anonymous, at 4/14/2005 3:42 AM
parallel dovetails, not perpindicular.
Anonymous, at 4/14/2005 4:10 PM
324 Close-up of a profile copying tool.
Anonymous, at 4/14/2005 7:33 PM
>323. Torch tip
>325. Jar opener
Both correct.
>322. carbide scraper...
>321. This is a visual puzzle...
Yes, though I haven't yet decided if I will show of photo of it open.
>324. staples
This isn't a photo of staples.
>322. Farriers Buttress...
Correct, good job - I didn't expect anybody to get this one.
>parallel dovetails, not perpindicular.
>324 Close-up of a profile copying tool.
Rob H., at 4/15/2005 11:52 AM
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