I've been collecting unusual objects for quite a while, and several years ago I started posting them on this site as puzzles for
visitors to figure out what they are. Most of the items are mine but a few belong to others, if you aren't interested in tools there are plenty of other type objects that have also been posted.
For first time visitors I recommend
this archive
for a wide variety of some of my best pieces.
339. 1-1/2" diameter

340. 2-1/8" long

341. 1" long

342. 4" tall

343. 4-1/2" long

344. 2-3/16" diameter
344. Fishing reel, or maybe, more to the point, a Fly Finshing Reel.
Anonymous, at 5/05/2005 4:29 PM
>342. Puzzle
>343. Multi padlock locking device
>344. Fishing reel
>344. Fishing reel...
These are all correct, though I'm not sure that the reel is for fly fishing.
Rob H., at 5/07/2005 6:02 AM
340. Hanging device.
- Edward
Anonymous, at 5/07/2005 8:46 AM
>340. Hanging device
Partial credit on this one, it is for hanging things, but it's for a specific type of wall.
Rob H., at 5/07/2005 3:09 PM
340. The last time I saw something like this being used was on "movable" metal interior walls. The large hooks inserted into slots on the upright supports.
- Edward
Anonymous, at 5/09/2005 1:43 PM
>340. The last time I saw something like this being used was on "movable" metal interior walls.
This one wasn't sold for use on movable metal walls, but I suppose they could be used on them.
Rob H., at 5/09/2005 5:52 PM
Don't know the actual name but 341 is an arrowhead.
Anonymous, at 5/12/2005 9:57 AM
>Don't know the actual name but 341 is an arrowhead
Rob H., at 5/12/2005 6:28 PM
ice cube tray insert 358
Anonymous, at 5/11/2010 9:27 AM
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