388. Someone sent in these photos, looking to identify this set of tools.

389. I don't own this one, the photo was taken at a local flight museum.

390. 1" tall, both ends look the same

391. Another one from the flight museum.

392. 6-1/4" long

393. This photo was also emailed to me, by someone wanting to know if this cutting tool is for a particular purpose.


389. I don't own this one, the photo was taken at a local flight museum.

390. 1" tall, both ends look the same

391. Another one from the flight museum.

392. 6-1/4" long

393. This photo was also emailed to me, by someone wanting to know if this cutting tool is for a particular purpose.

393. My grandmother used this along with a wooden bowl to make chopped liver.
- Edward
Anonymous, at 6/30/2005 4:35 AM
The knife is called an ulu.
Google search ulu and it's there.
Anonymous, at 6/30/2005 5:40 AM
388 - Set of tools to pierce the end of dynamite sticks to insert blastic caps. Couple the multiple pieces to open a hole that matches the size of the blasting cap. Made of brass to be non-sparking.
Anonymous, at 6/30/2005 12:44 PM
>393. ...to make chopped liver.
Thanks for the comment, I'm guessing this is a multi purpose knife, but that's one possible use for it.
>388. some kind of feeler guage set
>390. a "stone" filter, usually for fuel
Both incorrect.
>392. Tool used for hold down springs in automotive drum brake shoe applications.
I think this is right.
>The knife is called an ulu.
Thanks, or possibly a mezzaluna knife.
>392. Battery terminal cleaner
>393. Vegetable chopper used in wooden bowl.
Another possible use...
>388 - Set of tools to pierce the end of dynamite sticks to insert blastic caps...
Nope, found out that these are scratch test needles for testing gold, as seen on this link:
Rob H., at 7/01/2005 3:50 PM
390: Aquarium Aerator
Anonymous, at 7/01/2005 5:32 PM
389. Maybe a spray gun to apply resin to fabric surfaces on old-fashioned airplanes?
Anonymous, at 7/01/2005 9:45 PM
390: Stone for sharpening darts
Anonymous, at 7/02/2005 8:15 AM
393 Cataloged as a "Mincing Knife".
An exact image of this one shows up in an 1865 Russell & Erwin Hardware catalog.
Anonymous, at 7/02/2005 8:38 AM
>390: Aquarium Aerator
>389. Maybe a spray gun to apply resin...
Both incorrect
>390: Stone for sharpening darts
>393 Cataloged as a "Mincing Knife".
Thanks for the info.
Rob H., at 7/03/2005 5:29 AM
391. worn to prevent static electrictricity when fueling planes
Anonymous, at 7/06/2005 6:02 AM
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