I've been collecting unusual objects for quite a while, and several years ago I started posting them on this site as puzzles for
visitors to figure out what they are. Most of the items are mine but a few belong to others, if you aren't interested in tools there are plenty of other type objects that have also been posted.
For first time visitors I recommend
this archive
for a wide variety of some of my best pieces.
278. 2" long, approx. 4 oz.
279. 4 3/4" long
280. 3 3/8" x 2 1/8"
281. 6 1/2" long
282. The specific type of object in this extreme close-up might not be well known but most people are familiar with the general name for it.
283. 6 3/4" long
272. 7/8" long
273. 4 1/2" tall
274. 4" long
275. 17 1/2" long
277. 3/4" diameter
266. 8" long
267. 1/2" diameter
268. 10" long
270. 4" long x 3 1/4" wide x 1/8" thick
271. 5 1/4" wide
260. 6" tall
261. 5" long
262. 10" long
The other end is a little smaller.
263. 3" long
264. 1 1/2" long
265. 7" long