What is it?

I've been collecting unusual objects for quite a while, and several years ago I started posting them on this site as puzzles for visitors to figure out what they are. Most of the items are mine but a few belong to others, if you aren't interested in tools there are plenty of other type objects that have also been posted.

For first time visitors I recommend this archive for a wide variety of some of my best pieces.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

308. 7/8" diameter

309. 3 3/4" long, 3 pounds 6 ounces


311. 3 5/8" tall

312. The puzzle for this one is to determine how the top piece of this stacked freestanding wood is able to entirely overhang the bottom piece.

313. 3 1/4" long

314. 3 1/2" tall


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

302. 7" long

303. Someone looking to ID this object sent in these photos, here is his description of it:

The outer part of the thicker cylinder is a sleeve that slides to reveal and obscure the two prisms, and there is a slot about 1cm long opposite the prisms' window, as seen in the third photo.

If you look through it from the prism window side (as in
the first image) you see, from top to bottom: whatever's to the
right; whatever is straight ahead (through the slot);
whatever's to the left.

The longer, narrower piece looks like it's designed to accept the
end of a staff.

3" tall

304. 1 3/8" long

305. 21" long

306. approx. 1" diameter

307. 4 1/2" long


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

296. 7 3/4" long

The next two photos were both sent in by someone who needs help identifying these tools.

297. 8" long, note that the outer edge of this one is beveled - it had been slightly sharp at one time.

298. 8" long


300. 10 1/4" tall, as seen below

301. 9" long


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

290. 4" long


292. 6 3/8" long

293. 18" long

294. 10 1/4" long

295. 1" long


Wednesday, March 02, 2005

284. 4" long

285. 17" long

286. 7 3/4" long when fully extended

287. 5" long

288. 2 1/2" wide

289. 4" tall
